Foot Levelers custom fit orthotics design orthotics that support the 3 interconnected arches of your foot, the plantar vault. They are individually designed for your unique postural problems. The structural support for the entire body’s equilibrium is gained from your feet’s plantar vault.
We believe that correcting imbalances in your feet can properly align your spine and pelvis. Orthotics have been known to help low back pain, plantar fasciitis, neck pain, hip pain, knee pain, ankle pain, shin splints and heel spurs. We scan your feet as part of your initial visit to assess if any imbalance to your spinal structure has begun at your feet.
Rocktape applied to a specific muscle group can help promote blood flow to the muscles, promote lymphatic drainage, assist in the removal of lactic acid and reduce muscle vibration. Rocktape is different in that it is engineered to mimic the same elasticity of the skin. Rocktape can stretch up to 190% of its original length and can provide support and stability while increasing blood flow. 05:22:042022-04-06 05:18:18Taping to help enhance sports performance stabilising strained muscles and sprained joints
Orthopostural Dentistry (OPD) can be the answer to recurring chronic symptoms. OPD is a system of diagnosis and treatment determining airway and jaw alignment complications and the effects these complications have on postural distortions and other health systems of the body.
Not bouncing out of bed in the morning, snoring, grinding your teeth, chronic neck pain and/ or headaches, tinnitus, even back pain…. A combined approach of both Dentists and Chiropractors has proven exponentially more successful in treating OPD cases. If you or someone you know suffers from any of the above mentioned symptoms, OPD could be the answer. We are affiliated with Dentists at the forefront of this system of care and provide assessment and treatment in conjunction.
For more information on Breathe! The breathing retraining program click here.
Primitive Reflexes are a set of survival reflexes that appear early on in a child’s development. They are involuntary reflex movements. At a certain phase of development, these reflexes should naturally integrate into normal behaviour as the higher cortical areas of the brain develop, allowing smooth controlled voluntary movements.
Primitive reflexes should not remain, however if they fail to integrate, they may hinder :
Learning, Handwriting, Gross and Fine Motor Control, Balance, Concentration and Reading.
If voluntary reflexes have not been fully integrated, they are described as retained. These Retained Primitive Reflexes are commonly found in children with behavioural disorders, learning difficulties and developmental delay. Chiropractors have developed techniques for treating children with retained primitive reflexes. The focus is on structural aberrations of the skull, pelvis and peripheral skeleton.
Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) is a Chiropractic technique created using principles from multiple modalities including biology, physiology, psychology and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). NET is a tool used by Chiropractors to address the emotional components of disease and ill health. NET seeks to detect and alleviate the effect of emotional stressors on the body.NET can be used to alleviate the severity of painful conditions, phobias, anxiety, and depression.
Find more information on the Neuro-Emtional Technique go to the Net Mind Body website.
Scoliosis is a sideways bending of the spine greater than ten degrees, accompanied by rotation (twisting) of the spine. It is commonly first noticed in childhood or adolescence, and the curve often progresses rapidly as the child grows.
If left untreated, it can lead to severe spinal deformity and long term issues such as chronic pain and early spinal degeneration.
Examinations need to be performed during the ‘growth spurt” phase of development when the trunk of the body grows greater than the legs. This happens in females at 10 – 12 years of age and in males at 12 – 14 years of age. Scoliosis is far more prevalent in females than males.
Movable braces and specific scoliosis rehabilitation exercises are available, prescribed by experts, to decrease the scoliosis if caught during the growth spurt phase of development.
Helpful hints for parents:uneven shoulders, uneven waist or hips, leaning to one side, noticeable “S” shape bend of the spine, one prominent shoulder blade, a bump on the side of the spine with a forward bend.
Adults can acquire scoliosis as a result of the spine degeneration by incorrect loading. The damage is unable to be reversed, however, pain relief is possible and further damage can be slowed with Chiropractic treatment, rehabilitation and a home exercise programme.
Longueville Road Chiropractic is providing free consultations for girls 10 – 12 years of age and boys 12 – 14 years of age. Please phone for an appointment.
Many scoliosis cases can be cared for by Chiropractors and CBP has strong evidence of success here. The Sydney Scoliosis Clinic is at the forefront of corrective scoliosis care particularly for advanced cases. We assess our clients at LRCC and refer when required for corrective exercises (and bracing if required). This clinic has strong ties with CBP.
For more information on scoliosis please refer to the website.
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a special Chiropractic diagnostic technique that uses muscle testing to access the physiology of the body. Via muscle testing, the AK practitioner has a window into the structural, nutritional and emotional status of the client. This knowledge, combined with traditional Chiropractic training, allows for more comprehensive diagnoses and treatment programs. When using muscle testing as a tool, factors outside of the scope of a the standard physical examination can be obtained and incorporated in treatment programs. This can be of great benefit to the client.
Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) emphasises optimal postural and spinal alignment. It is the most published named technique within the Index Medicus (pub-med journals) in the Chiropractic care profession dedicated to the development, refinement, and study of structural/rehabilitative procedures for the human spine.
The aim of CBP is to improve the front and side view posture, improve range of motion and quality of movement, improve muscle strength and improve symptoms.
It is a full spine and pelvis corrective/rehabilitation having a firm foundation in the sciences of physics and biomechanics.
Postural misalignments cause increase in spinal loads (compression and shear) and spinal stresses. Due to the increased muscle effort required to stabilize abnormal postural/spinal displacements, the actual increase in load on the spine is much higher than merely the displacement itself. It is documented that abnormal posture affects the nervous system and therefore immunity. The goal of CBP is to correct these asymmetries to the greatest degree, minimising spinal degeneration, improve neurological dysfunction, and improve systemic health.
Denneroll products can help regain normal structural curves of the human spine. In improving structure, compression and shear forces can be reduced on the spine aswell as decreasing muscle tension.
Changing the structural deformity and relieving muscle tension can create long term improvement in chronic symptons. 05:15:302022-04-06 05:18:19Posture Correction and Long Term Pain Relief
At the moment our chiropractic clinic continues to operate as an essential service, with rigorous sanitisation and infection control procedures in place.