What we do
Chiropractic cannot help every condition, however, you might be surprised how chiropractic adjustments to the spine and extremities can have great success in treating various symptoms simply by its influence on the nervous system.
At the moment our chiropractic clinic continues to operate as an essential service, with rigorous sanitisation and infection control procedures in place.
Diagnosis nutrition and difficult headaches
/in What we do /by lrccApplied Kinesiology (AK) is a special Chiropractic diagnostic technique that uses muscle testing to access the physiology of the body. Via muscle testing, the AK practitioner has a window into the structural, nutritional and emotional status of the client. This knowledge, combined with traditional Chiropractic training, allows for more comprehensive diagnoses and treatment programs. When […]
Posture Correction and Long Term Pain Relief
/in What we do /by lrccChiropractic Biophysics (CBP) emphasises optimal postural and spinal alignment. It is the most published named technique within the Index Medicus (pub-med journals) in the Chiropractic care profession dedicated to the development, refinement, and study of structural/rehabilitative procedures for the human spine. The aim of CBP is to improve the front and side view posture, improve […]