What we do

Chiropractic cannot help every condition, however, you might be surprised how chiropractic adjustments to the spine and extremities can have great success in treating various symptoms simply by its influence on the nervous system.

sports chiropractor sydney

Sports Chiropractor Sydney

Have you considered going to a sports chiropractor for your injury or fitness maintenance and injury-prevention program? Contact LRCC today!

pregnancy chiropractor sydney

Pregnancy Chiropractor Sydney – Prenatal And Postnatal Chiro Care

Deciding to consult with a chiropractor who specialises in pre and post-natal pregnancy care? Then visit the pregnancy chiros at LRCC!

bulging disc treatment

Bulging Disc Treatment Sydney

Looking for a bulging disc treatment that safe, effective, non-invasive, drug-free and long-lasting? Then contact LRCC today!

knee pain treatment sydney

Chiropractor for Knee Pain Treatment in Sydney

Need a chiropractor for knee pain treatment? If you’re in Sydney, you can trust the chiropractors at Longueville Road Chiropractic Centre.

chiropractors for headache relief

Chiropractor For Headache Relief In Sydney

Need a chiropractor for headache relief? If you’re in Sydney, you can trust the chiropractors at Longueville Road Chiropractic Centre.

chiropractor for shoulder pain

Chiropractor for Shoulder Pain

Is shoulder pain making normal movement and daily tasks difficult? If you answered ‘yes’ to this question, a chiropractor for shoulder pain really could help.

chiropractor lor lower back pain

Chiropractor for Lower Back Pain

Need a chiropractor for lower back pain? If you’re in Sydney, you can trust the chiropractors at Longueville Road Chiropractic Centre.

Chiropractic instrument adjusting

Here at LRCC, we use the Impulse Adjusting Instrument. A patented and FDA registered device, this was specifically created to deliver gentle and precise chiropractic adjustments.

Musculoskeletal acupuncture

Musculoskeletal Acupuncture is a newer form of acupuncture focusing on anatomical and neuro-physiological principles. This form of acupuncture is mostly used to treat muscular pain and dysfunction.

Sacro occipital technique

One of the functions of the sacrum is to pump Cerebro-spinal Fluid (CSF) from the base of the spine back up the spinal canal to the brain and throughout the nervous system. CSF acts as the circulatory system of the brain and spinal cord. The pelvic complex (incorporating the sacrum) forms the foundation support of […]

Custom fit orthotics shin splints heel spurs plantar fascitis posture imbalances

Foot Levelers custom fit orthotics design orthotics that support the 3 interconnected arches of your foot, the plantar vault. They are individually designed for your unique postural problems. The structural support for the entire body’s equilibrium is gained from your feet’s plantar vault. We believe that correcting imbalances in your feet can properly align your […]

Taping to help enhance sports performance stabilising strained muscles and sprained joints

Rocktape applied to a specific muscle group can help promote blood flow to the muscles, promote lymphatic drainage, assist in the removal of lactic acid and reduce muscle vibration. Rocktape is different in that it is engineered to mimic the same elasticity of the skin. Rocktape can stretch up to 190% of its original length […]

Facial Pain

Orthopostural Dentistry (OPD) can be the answer to recurring chronic symptoms. OPD is a system of diagnosis and treatment determining airway and jaw alignment complications and the effects these complications have on postural distortions and other health systems of the body. Not bouncing out of bed in the morning, snoring, grinding your teeth, chronic neck […]

Developmental issues

Primitive Reflexes are a set of survival reflexes that appear early on in a child’s development. They are involuntary reflex movements. At a certain phase of development, these reflexes should naturally integrate into normal behaviour as the higher cortical areas of the brain develop, allowing smooth controlled voluntary movements. Primitive reflexes should not remain, however […]

Emotional Stressors

Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) is a Chiropractic technique created using principles from multiple modalities including biology, physiology, psychology and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). NET is a tool used by Chiropractors to address the emotional components of disease and ill health. NET seeks to detect and alleviate the effect of emotional stressors on the body.NET can be […]


Scoliosis is a sideways bending of the spine greater than ten degrees, accompanied by rotation (twisting) of the spine. It is commonly first noticed in childhood or adolescence, and the curve often progresses rapidly as the child grows. If left untreated, it can lead to severe spinal deformity and long term issues such as chronic […]